All posts by dean

Supporting Women in 2018’s House Tossup Elections

This resource is a followup to my Senate Tossup Guide.


The U.S. House of Representatives consists of  238 Republicans, 197 Democrats, and 6 vacant seats. The House, among other things, has the power to initiate bills and impeach an official.

I’ve listed women of color first, followed by white women, and just to be detail complete, included a less detailed list of male democrats in tossup districts at the very end. If you’re interested in supporting more women of color in states marked safe for Democrats or in non-Congressional races, I recommend resources such as Black Women in Politics.

How You Can Help

Continue reading Supporting Women in 2018’s House Tossup Elections

Easy Ways to Help in the 2018 Senate Mid Terms

Also see: Supporting Women in 2018’s Tossup House Races


The U.S. Senate consists of 51 Republicans and 49 Democrats (which includes 2 liberal independents). The Vice President (Mike Pence, Republican) can cast tie breaking votes, tipping the Senate further Republican.

For the Nov 6, 2018 mid-term elections there are 26 Democratic controlled seats on the line, and 9 Republican. The Democrats have more potential for loss than gain.

Democrat control of the Senate will effectively block Trump’s major initiatives for the next 2 years. It will also set up the next President to have a clear path towards undoing damage and effecting greater change. To win, Democrats need an overall net gain of 2 seats. The chances of this are slim, but possible with enough action from people like us.

How You Can Help

Continue reading Easy Ways to Help in the 2018 Senate Mid Terms


Standing at the candlelight vigil along the Mississippi River, honoring all the lives lost in the Orlando Pulse massacre, I realized something for the first time. How I missed it, I don’t know. The message has been everywhere, but it never struck home: Don’t be ashamed.

Empowerment. I was raised in a culture of dis-empowerment. Ashamed of my natural self. Nervous since childhood for wanting to wear my mother’s makeup and clothing. Beaten and shamed throughout my life for the unique and strange person that I am. Embracing it outwardly, in the tiny ways I knew how, but inwardly being cripplingly embarrassed of everything I’ve ever said and done.

Yet the crowd tonight, brought together by indescribable horror, was there to honor those who were targeted for being unashamed. People who were murdered for being true to themselves, and not being scared of how the rest of the world viewed them.

While we at the vigil were there for those lost, we were also there for each other, empowering our neighbors to embrace their full expression. To kiss and fuck and love and wear whoever and whatever we want.

I’ve understood empowerment before. But never in this way. I’m happy to be alive in a time of such solidarity, even in the face of incredible setbacks and tragedy. Thanks to everyone who does not hide. You give me strength.